Monday, 9 December 2013

Kanak-Kanak Becermin Mata Tidak Semestinya Rabun...

Salam korang,

Mungkin korang sedar my boys, Hamzah and Hadie are wearing spectacle kan...

Actually dah ramai dah orang tegur mereka berdua tue rabun ker????

Tue ayat biasa yang ditujukan kepada aku, En Hubby or to both of them.

Sebenarnya both of them takde pon rabun as yang abnormal.

It is normal for kids ade rabun dekat sedikit dan bende tue akan hilang bila diorg meningkat dewasa bila kanta mata diorg matured.

Tapi rabun yang tue tidak memerlukan pemakaian cermin mata pon.

Bagi kes Hamzah dan Hadie plak..both of them is having astigmatism or dalam bahasa mudahnya silau.

Agak tinggi gak power silau diorang berdua nie.

Tak silap aku Hamzah about 150 left eye and 100 for right eye and Hadie about 100 kalo tak silap... Aiyoo..kad diorg ade dalam wallet En Hubby plak.

Actually kalau nak ditanya apakah tanda-tanda mereka ni silau diikutkan for Hadie memang takde ape-ape tanda or symptom pon.

Bende ni start with Hamzah when he is 4 kami perhatikan he loves to watch tv using his right eye sight jer.

Kiranya die tengok tv senget guna sebelah mata jer. Must be something wrong la kan.

Mula-mula kami bawa Hamzah pegi check kat kedai cermin mata biasa jer...

Ambik ko the optometrist bagi power rabun jauh Hamzah sampai 250 kiri, 200 kanan...biar btol anak aku nie!!!

Tapi bila balik rumah tengok keadaan die tak berubah pon malahan die mengadu mate die jadi terang sangat la plak.

Ermmm... atas nasihat MIL and SIL, diorang dah setkan appointment with pediatric ophthalmologist di Hopital Mata Tun Hussien Onn PJ for Hamzah check-up.

Maka kami pon bawa la Hamzah ke sana. After few test made by the ophthalmologist and his optometrist, maka result pon keluar shows that Hamzah takde rabun pon.

His real problem sebenarnyer Hamzah mengidap astigmatism which kalo dibiarkan lama-lama boleh jadi lazy eye...

The ophthalmologist terangkan kepada kami nasib baik Hamzah cepat-cepat dibawa berjumpa dengan ophthalmologist kerana kanta mata kanak-kanak below 9 years old masih lembut dan ujian mata biasa oleh optometrist memang tidak tepat memandangkan keadaan kanta mata yang lembut tersebut.

Sebenarnya, kanak-kanak dibawah 9 tahun perlu dirujuk kepada ophthalmologist dan beberapa siri ujian seperti biasan cahaya kedalam mata semua akan dilakukan bagi menentukan masalah sebenar mata kanak-kanak tersebut.

Bayangkan kalau lambat tindakan kami menghantar Hamzah refer to the ophthalmologist silap haribulan boleh buta mata die sebab pakai spectacle salah power...

Then the next appointment setahun kemudian the ophthalmologist minta kami buat appointment untuk Hadie juga.

Demi kebaikan mereka kami buatkan juga walaupun kalau dilihat Hadie macam takde ape-ape masalah.

Rupanya Hadie pon sama menghidapi astigmatism.

The doctor said both of them berkemungkinan besar memang born with it.

Nak katekan dapat daripada aku sebenarnya power silau aku lebih rendah dari both of them and baru lately jer cermin mata aku ade power untuk silau ni.

Well itu adalah ketentuan Allah yang patut kami terima. Jika diikutkan banyak lagi ujian yang lebih besar dihadapi oleh orang lainkan.

Selepas daripada kejadian tersebut, mana-mana kawan yang mengadu anak mereka menghadapi masalah penglihatan cepat-cepat kami recommend mereka untuk berjumpa ophthalmologist sebab taknak kesilapan yang sama dilakukan oleh orang lain.

Mungkin ade optometrist yang bertanggungjawab akan memberitahu berkaitan perkara tersebut. Namun tidak dinafikan ade juga optometrist yang tamak akan senyap-senyap jer sebab takot hilang customer.

But actually after jumpe the ophthalmologist, kite tetap kene bawak anak kite ke kedai optometrist untuk membuat cermin mata mereka tapi dengan membawa bacaan spectacle yang telah ditetapkan oleh ophthalmologist.

Lepas nie the doctor ask us to make appointment untuk Hannah sekali. Well bertindak awal lebih baik dari menyesal dikemudian harikan...

Diharap dengan perkongsian ini dapat memberi sedikit panduan dan info kepada parents lain berkaitan dengan kesihatan mata anak-anak kita.   

Below aku ade copykan sedikit berkaitan dengan astigmatism untuk pengetahuan korang yang aku dapat dari web

Astigmatism is a condition where vision is disordered (blurred, unfocused, fuzzy) because the cornea (the front surface of the eye) or lens, which is located behind the cornea, has an abnormal or irregular curve (misshaped). Astigmatism can occur in children as well as adults. Astigmatism is fairly common and not contagious.
There are two common types of astigmatism: corneal astigmatism and lenticular astigmatism.
  • Corneal astigmatism is when the cornea is misshaped.
  • Lenticular astigmatism is when the lens is misshaped.
Normal Anatomy of the Eye  
Copyright © Nucleus Medical Media, Inc.
The precise cause of astigmatism is unknown. It is often present at birth and may coexist with nearsightedness or farsightedness. Sometimes it may occur after an injury or eye surgery.
Risk Factors  
A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition.
The following factors increase your chances of developing astigmatism. If you have any of these risk factors, tell your doctor:
  • Heredity—a family history of astigmatism, eye disease, or disorders such as keratoconus
  • Eye surgery—certain types of eye surgery, such as cataract (lens of the eyes are cloudy) removal (less common with modern techniques)
  • A history of corneal scarring or thinning
  • A history of excessive nearsightedness (a visual defect where distant objects appear blurred) or farsightedness (a visual defect where distant objects are seen better than objects that are close)
The symptoms for astigmatism vary from person-to-person. Some people might be asymptomatic (showing no signs of the condition) while others are symptomatic (showing signs of the condition). If you experience any of these symptoms, do not assume it is due to astigmatism. These symptoms may be caused by other, less serious health conditions. If you experience any one of them, see your physician.
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Blurred (objects appear fuzzy) or distorted (objects appear twisted or out of focus) vision
  • Excessive squinting or closing of the eyes
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. You may also be referred to a doctor who specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of eye disorders and vision measurements (ophthalmologists) or a trained and licensed professional who can diagnosis vision and eye disease and prescribe corrective lenses (optometrist). Tests may include the following:
  • Visual acuity assessment test (VAT)—this test is used to measure how well you can distinguish different size letters or symbols (very large to very small) at a specific distance
  • Refractor test—this test uses a refractor, a special instrument that has interchangeable lenses of different strengths to measure how well you see objects at various distances. The ophthalmologist or optometrist will ask you to look through the lens and read a chart that is several feet away. The ophthalmologist or optometrist will adjust the strength of the lens based on your responses.
  • Keratoscope—a device used to detect and measure the presence of corneal surface curvature
There are several treatment options for astigmatism. If you suspect you have astigmatism, contact your doctor.Talk with your doctor about the best treatment plan for you. Treatment options include the following:
Corrective Lenses  
Corrective lenses, such as glasses or toric contact lens, are prescribed to offset the eye’s visual abnormalities or defects, such as excessive nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.
To correct severe astigmatism, an ophthalmologist might use special knives or a laser beam to correct the abnormal or irregular curve of the cornea. The surgery is an outpatient procedure (does not require a hospital stay) that is performed with local anesthesia.

There are three types of surgical procedures that an ophthalmologist might perform:
  • Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
    • Laser beams are used to reshape the abnormal or irregular curve of the cornea.
    • Laser in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) (a type of PRK)—laser beam to reshape the curve of the cornea by removing corneal tissue.
  • Radical keratotomy (RK)—Small incisions (cuts) are made partial thickness into the cornea.
  • Laser-assisted subepithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK)—This procedure is not as commonly used; however, it may offer additional benefits especially for patients with thin corneas or at high risk of an eye injury.
There are risk factors associated with all surgery. To choose the best surgical treatment option for your condition, it is important that you speak with your doctor about potential risks and side effects.

There are no known preventative measures that will reduce your chances of getting astigmatism. However, routinely getting a comprehensive vision exam will reduce your chances of astigmatism going undetected (unidentified) and untreated.

1 comment:

  1. Good sharing, today, Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH) has the equipment to perform the non-invasive procedure to treat the condition. “The Ultra Q multi-modality YAG Laser we acquired offers greater accuracy and control than traditional YAG Lasers, allowing us to perform better treatment, read more at:
